Streaming Audio Feed

The Southern Platte Fire Protection District (SPFPD) communications audio feed can be found at of whom hosts the stream live for public use.


What is it?

All Emergency Services are dispatched from the Kansas City Fire Department Communication Center (KCFDCC), located in Jackson County, Missouri. You can hear the KCFDCC referred to as “Dispatch” when listening to radio traffic.

The KCFDCC provides primary, integrated communications support for many Fire and EMS service agencies that provide service in the Platte, Clay, Jackson and Cass Counties, of Missouri. The KCFDCC serves as a secondary PSAP, receiving their E911 calls primarily as transfers from Primary PSAPs in the region.

How does dispatch work?

The KCFDCC is staffed with 4 radio positions, 5 call takers, and 2 supervisors operating on an A, B and C shift rotation. Communications personnel are trained in both Fire and EMS disciplines. The KCFDCC is located at the Technical Services Bureau, 6750 Eastwood Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri.

It contains 14 radio consoles all of which could be in service at the same time during peak times. Consoles are dedicated to dispatching Fire and EMS units assigned to the Kansas City Fire Department, Southern Platte Fire Protection District and Raytown Fire Protection District. The center also notifies other fire agencies of which have auto-aid agreements with them.

Why use dispatch?

The WestNet Station Alerting System resides in all fire stations to dispatch all units based on their unit type and response requirements from CAD. All units are dispatched based on vehicle location via GIS for a closest/fastest response and availability. All phone line and radio traffic in the KCFDCC is recorded. Emergency personnel have the capability of being notified for alarms and or communications through the use of:

1) portable, mobile, and base station radios, 2) mobile data terminals in Fire Apparatus, 3) station printers with detailed call information 4) land line and mobile telephones as well as 5) text messages to cellular devices. Various Talkgroups are available via the Live Stream and range from Dispatch, Calling Channel, Operations and Tactical. SPFPD units can be identified as 60 through 68.